Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Natural Disasters

Every Saturday morning my friends and I meet at Chastain Park to walk the intimidating 2.6 mile loop – twice – in an effort to stay in shape. During this 5.2 mile walk, we obviously discuss a lot of things. Work, hair fashion, and no matter how old a woman gets, when she is with her friends they will talk about boys; but, the one constant conversation is one about change. We see 2011 – one being the first number, and there are two – as a year of change. There is a lot of change occurring in our personal lives; but, there is definitely tons of change going on in our environment.

I am not sure if it has anything to do with global warming (another topic that interest me) or if it is just time for the earth to shake; but the recent earth quakes, tornadoes, and floods are pointing towards some serious change. I would like to know more in depth about the effects of floods on the global environment.

Currently in the USA, the mighty Mississippi is flooding farm land and small towns as it flows to the Gulf of Mexico. While some of these floods are manmade in efforts to save farm land and larger cities; this flood will have a major affect on the environment, locally and globally. I would like to learn more about the effects floods have on the ecosystem, farming, and even the psychological effects of disasters on survivors.


  1. Thanks Kerri,
    This is an important topic! :)

  2. Kerri, In my 2nd Blog, I responded to a your comments on the flooding along the Mississippi. It is a mess, isn't it? Keith Evans
