Thursday, June 2, 2011

Where in the World...

The water is everywhere in the world. It covers 70 percent of the earth and can be found underground. The largest ocean is the Pacific Ocean, covering an area of about 60 million square miles.

Ninety-seven point five percent of all the water on Earth is salt water. That leaves only 2.5% of the water as fresh water (The Water Resources of Earth, 2006) Seventy percent of the fresh water is frozen; therefore it is not accessible (The Water Resources of Earth, 2006). There is less than one percent of water that is actually suitable for drinking (

Unfortunately, with less than one percent of the water actually suitable for drinking, some of that water is also contaminated with trash, debris, and a lot of disease causing agents. Impoverished areas like developing countries and rural areas, are often the areas that are most affected by the consumption of contaminated water.

In order to determine the best place for good and accessible soils for agriculture, silvicultre, and farming you must know what you want to grow and or raise. Land near wetland is often good soil for items that need to moist soil and there is other agriculture that needs dryer dirt. Please click here for map of the best soil in the world.

Traditional industries or labor industries can still be found throughout the world within all communities and cultures. Even as each culture has adapted, the need for traditional, labor intensive industries is still evident. It seems as though the more advanced the world becomes with technology, the desire for smaller hand developed items from traditional/labor industries grows. The type of work a traditional industry varies by culture and community. Here is a link to a web page showcasing Georgia’s Traditional Industries.

The high-tech industry is not as worldwide as traditional industries because these industries require a lot of money; but there are some developing countries that have large high-tech industries because of the benefit of inexpensive labor to create the high tech gadgets. The most populated high tech areas are Asia and India.

The 10 Most Populated Cities in the World

The 10 Most Populated Cities in the United States of America

Tribal Group with little or no contact with “Modern Society”

The country with the greatest diversity is Tanzania, with 23 groups, while Papua New Guinea, has zero; according to this study.

According to the US Census Bureau there are 6, 922, 402, 047 people in the world and 311, 475, 374 of those people live in the US. For a list of the top populated countries in the world, click here.

Additional Sources:

Human Appropriation of the World's Fresh Water Supply;

Water Treatment Solutions: Lenntech. Water Quantity FAQ

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kerri! My name is Keith Evans. I chose to respond to your remarks about the destructive flooding along the Mississippi River. Having lived in New Orleans for four years back in the nineties, I am astounded that the Mississippi hasn't wiped out every town from Minneapolis to Venice, La. at the mouth of the river. Flooding is common along the Mississippi from Minnesota all the way to the Gulf. Because the river gets larger the farther it flows, the Army Corps of Engineers has better levees down south. The fact is that we have tricked the "Big Muddy" into submission a few too many times. The Corps is attempting to stop something nature intended as a regular occurrence. I think it would be ridiculous to think that climate change isn't a major player in the events taking place along the river today but mankind's folly is in arrogantly thinking that we can prevent a natural cycle that had gone on for millions of years before we ever began to tinker around with things. The Mississippi discharges up to 700,000 gal/sec into the Gulf of Mexico. I think we are being pretty arrogant if we think we can continue to control that kind of flow without frequent mishaps, especially in light of the the climate change issues. What do you think?
