Tuesday, June 21, 2011

There is no such thing as Global Warming

When dealing with the science of any field, to form an educated opinion you fully research the topic. Your research may or may not include literature review; it may just be tuning into the local news and listening to pre-planned, scientifically based rhetoric. This is how Global Warming became a front page news story for the past few years. If you base your opinion on actual scientific reports, what do you believe if it is proven that the research has been manipulated and possibly not factual?

In order to have legit scientific research, it has to prove your hypothesis and another person should be able do the same research the same way and get the same result. If the data is manipulated to benefit your research, then your research is not valid. This is what happened at the University of East Anglia. Researchers withheld important information that would deny the claims that the world’s temperatures were actually rising, when in fact they were dropping. There were several emails that leaked proving that there was some type of research tampering or withholding of data.

One specific email from Kevin Trenberth, PhD. at the US National Center for Atmospheric Research to Michael Mann on October 12, 2009 stated: The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't...our observing system is inadequate.

If the system or instrument that you use to monitor and observe the rising and dropping of temperature is inadequate, how are you accurately proving that Global Warming is actually taking place?


The Telegraph. November 23, 2009. University of East Anglia Emails: The Most Contentious Quotes. Retrieved from: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/environment/globalwarming/6636563/University-of-East-Anglia-emails-the-most-contentious-quotes.html

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